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HiIgher bars for Continental GT?


Total noob
Rome, GA USA
Has anyone put conventional handlebars on their Continental GT, like those on the Interceptor?. I really like the bike but the clip-ons are too much for my 66 year old back. If you have done the conversion, how did you do it. What parts did you purchase?


Well travelled
Manchester UK
Don't know about conventional bars, but the young guy who lives next door decided that the clip-ons on his Continental GT were giving him a bad back, so he bought a set of caps for the fork tops, these are much taller that the original and allow the clip-ons to be mounted above the top yolk. They were relatively easy to fit (which idiot thought that a bike without a center stand was a good idea?) and allowed the standard cables to be retained.

Some of us at 60+ have fitted bar risers to out Interceptors - now that's how to get a comfortable riding position.

If you fit conventional bars to a Continental are you going to need to move the pegs / gear lever / brake pedal to get comfortable?


Well travelled
fitted the handlebar risers. last night, did 50 miles today, the bike is transformed, i cant convey how much easier it is to ride, i got off and was still able to walk, there is a small plate which goes from the clip on and is still sandwiched between the upper clamp for those worrying if the bar could come loose, rich



Well travelled
Manchester UK
Those pins sticking up from the castings don't look the best - but try as I might they weren't coming out without some heat - not worth the effort.
But such a simple effective solution


Well travelled
yes i just left the pins there, only problem ive found is because i have am stinger 2 into 1 i have cable tied the clutch cable to stop it melting on the exhaust, so now i had to release the cable from the wire clamp to inside of the indicator mounting, will fit an interceptor cable or hitchcocks longer one, rich
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