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Scram center stand


Well travelled
Boise, ID, USA
I know that folks here have had issues with ordering stuff from eBay but my center stand arrived yesterday, in an RE box with every individual part ALSO its own RE bag, only FOUR days after I placed the order. Free four day shipping (with tracking by FedEx) from Delhi to Idaho is nothing to sneeze at! The seller was "royal rider" (not r0yal rider, btw), which seems to be a seller most folks have had good results from as well.

I'm nursing a broken wing (ruptured biceps tendon) but when I'm healed enough to move the bike around again I'll slap this bad boy on the Scram and see if it's worth the extra weight.

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Well travelled
West Viegina USA
Just wrapped up the install in less than an hour, which is very likely the shortest amount of time I've ever needed to install anything on a bike. Super easy. Very happy to have it. Thanks to all for the explanations and suggestions!
It’s definitely worth the minimal effort. It helps with everything including getting in and off the bike when using the pegs to step on and swing over.
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