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Any other owners here?


Well travelled
South Wales
My Interceptor will be delivered next Monday, 1st March.

The patron saint day of Wales.

I hope it is a good omen although, living in Wales for over 40 years, I am English by Birth.


Well travelled
Lancashire UK
Hi chaps, 650 Interceptor owner since this November, living in South Lancashire area. I've only seen two Interceptors in the area over the last few months, one near Rufford, and one on Rainford Bypass (A570). 2021 650 interceptor.jpg


Well travelled
South Wales
Hi, fatal,

i Bought my Interceptor last March and have only seen two others around the Cardiff area. There must be a lot out there looking at the sales figures.

I like the bike a lot. I’ve been a “biker” for over 50 years and find it gives me as much pleasure, in its own way, as any I have owned. I tend to use it to nimble around the minor roads and country lanes in our area but it is also fine on Motorways. Enjoy it.
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