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Recent content by LowEnd

  1. LowEnd

    Tipper integration with Google Maps

    Is there a way to import a saved route in Google maps to Tripper? I'm planning a route on my PC with a big screen and I don't really want to do all of the work again in the Tripper app. Can anyone help?
  2. LowEnd

    The newest noobie that ever noobed

    I did sneak out to West Head the other day but let's just say that I'm totally over the lower north shore.
  3. LowEnd

    Hello from Las Vegas

    I've been to Vegas a few times over the years and really like it - the strip for the entertainment (I saw Steely Dan there just before Walter died), and the countryside for the epic scenery. What a great place to go touring.
  4. LowEnd

    The newest noobie that ever noobed

    Hi guys and girls, I'm an aging boomer who has never been on a motorcycle but due to the utter boredom of lockdown in Sydney (and a good example from my son) I decided to get my licence. Funny thing, I went with my son to pick up his new Interceptor 650 and while he was messing about I sat on a...
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