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valve adjustment


Well travelled
Piece of aluminium, approx 2 mm thick, 20 mm wide, 7 cm long. Narrowed at one end where I made a 4 mm notch in it with a saw/file. Fits onto the adjustment screw. The bolt is a regular 10 mm spanner of sorts. Works a treat, costs (almost ) nothing.


Well travelled
Charlotte, NC
I did get the tool from Hitchcocks (UK) along with a few other goodies to help digest the shipping costs. Works well. Likely could have saved a few (insert your currency of choice) but as I am getting back into doing all my own maintenance, I don't mind having a few specialty tools to help make the job easier on myself. After doing the job twice now, and figuring out how to make more room in that intake area, I could have gotten away with more standard tools.
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