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Well travelled
Manchester UK
From what I understand, there is a limited amount of a specific bitcoin, so unlike conventional currency when the authorities need more they are stuffed - currently if the govt. wants more money it just prints it. Problem being the currency (in your pocket) then is worth less as there is more of it about.

Now any currency (bitcoin, dollars, euro, pounds) is only worth what the markets think what it's worth - ie if the market thinks that the controller of that currency is going to dump a load of it or print more of it then the market will get rid before the proverbial hits the fan. At that point the currency concerned drops in value as nobody wants it.
My son has "invested"£3,000 in bitcoin at the beginning of the year - probably worth £30 now Ah well there's always the bank of Mum & Dad

Roy Gavin

Well travelled
In every scheme there has to be losers in order for there to be winners, so it is always a gamble.
And good advice on gambling is to only have a serious bet when you know more than the people who are setting the odds.
And with crypto few will even know who they are.


Well travelled
Staff member
Yuba City, CA
I used to mine, had a few BTC but I cashed out last year. I don't trust crypto in the long run, even tho it made me some decent money.
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