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Local Owner’s Clubs.


Well travelled
Lancashire UK
We could form our own independent club, but the last club I was in didn't last long. The Sons of Apathy looked promising, but nobody bothered to turn up.


Well travelled
Are there any RE Owners Clubs active in the U.K.?

More specifically, are there any in South Wales?
South Wales :- Gary (Ted) Edwards ( tededwards68@gmail.com )
1st Thursday, 7:30pm. Y Meuran, 140 Marshfield Road, Marshfield, Cardiff. CF3 2TU

That's one of many branches.
The previous owner of my Bullet was an active member of the Humberside Branch. He spoke highly of it, and certainly the website (then) backed up his opinion.
Each branch will be different, through location, memberships "opinions" (as on here :rolleyes:), and what YOU want to put in and get out of it.
These branches, I believe, are independant of Royal Enfield.

There is also a FakeBook OC.
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