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Limited Edition tank emblem?

Pinball Dave

Well travelled
Anyone seen one of the 120 Year special edition twins in person? That tank emblem would make a great shirt, coffee mug, etc. Just need a clear square on shot. The RE sight only has this one...which makes great Wallpaper for my phone!
If anyone has or gets a high res pic...post it!



Well travelled
i am hearing bikes are in the states and ready to ship
the dealers were able to order starting sept 8th. my order went in that same day
my dealer has been awesome, with as little information as there is out there, she has been great with follow up
with any luck they could be a few weeks out
also there are 60 of these bikes here in the US so there should be 58 other people talking about these???????


Well travelled
like this without all the shiny
they will be here later today, and I will get you a clean pic without all the mirror,20220929_141257.jpg to much sun for the top of the tank
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