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Factory pannier bag inserts


Well travelled
Does anyone have any experience with them? I see plenty of them on eBay, but not sure if they are worth the $90 or so shipped. Right now I've used Aldi cooler bags, and they kinda fit, but obviously not ideal ..


Well travelled
I remember some one else here said that they use supermarket cooler bags too. They said that they leave it in always and then use their work bag inside it on one side; and leave the bike gear in the cooler bag on the other side.
Looks like a good solution to me.

PS I use soft pannier bags so no actual experience.


Well travelled
Aldershot, UK
Yes, I use re-useable supermarket bags. The ones we have in the UK fit pretty well and when I reach my destination they are easy to slip out, complete with contents. I can send you a couple for $75...;)
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