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Bouncing Around Nepal


Well travelled
British Columbia
That's awesome! Funny, when I think of Nepal in December, I wouldn't think anyone would be riding a motorbike LOL. I'll be landing in Kathmandu tomorrow for a short 3 day visit.
Wow, a meetup for a beer would be great but I won't be back in Kat until late Sunday.

Just so ya know I'm not the only one out here. Today I was taking a break in a coffee shop on the highway and 6 or 7 Royal Enfields rolled up, at least one Himalayan but I think the rest were 350s. As they walked up the hill I see one of them is wearing a Bandidos / Spain patch and a 1%er tag. We had a bit of a chat about the state of the roads here.



The Boss at On An Adventure
Staff member
Wow, a meetup for a beer would be great but I won't be back in Kat until late Sunday.

Just so ya know I'm not the only one out here. Today I was taking a break in a coffee shop on the highway and 6 or 7 Royal Enfields rolled up, at least one Himalayan but I think the rest were 350s. As they walked up the hill I see one of them is wearing a Bandidos / Spain patch and a 1%er tag. We had a bit of a chat about the state of the roads here.
I'll miss ya by a day. Safe riding!
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