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8 days in, and I drop her in the dirt...


Well travelled
Yep, 20 years of riding experience, taught MSF in south Florida, and I'm too stupid to remember that you CANNOT climb uphill from a near stop in 2nd gear! :rolleyes:(n)😞
I'm in a small town taking photos, of a damaged motorcycle of all things, and I missed the address and rode by the house. Orrick is a quaint, small Missouri town with narrow side roads and it's super hilly. Perfect environs to enjoy a ride on a beautiful fall day! Since I missed the address, I decided to turn around in an uphill vacant lot that sloped back down to the street. Forgetting that I could putt-putt along on my Himi in these hills in 2nd gear without a worry, I turned to go up and back around on the hillside. I was reminded that there are laws of mechanical physics, and I had exceeded them. This reminder came in the form of an engine stall whilst I was angled uphill about 45 degrees with the downhill side to my left. Then, once the bike stalled, I realized Newton was correct as gravity took over, and my "not so solid" 62-year-old frame was not going to keep the bike from falling. The bike falls quietly (I'm pretty sure I let out a whimper), I chastise myself for lack of awareness, pick myself up, leave my pride down there in the grass, nearly bust a left nut picking her up (man I'm glad I sold that GW so many years back!), walk her backwards back down the hill, and remember that I am no longer 18 years old and bulletproof!
Fortunately, no speed, lush grass, and soft dirt are much more forgiving than asphalt or gravel. The repairs included brushing fall's dead grass clumps off the side stand and a couple of Aleve when I got home for the lower back pain I got whilst doing my best Arnold Schwarzenegger impersonation doing a reverse squat to pick her up off the ground.
I went back to the house as if nothing happened, but you'd better believe my situational awareness was highly awakened on the ride back home. Let's be careful out there. I was dumb at the perfect time and place, it could've been a whole different story. Take care fellow riders!


Well travelled
Manchester UK
8 days in and I park on the pavement (sidewalk?) outside a friends house. Having a chat and a cup of tea and I hear a loud crash, look outside and the Himmy is lying on its side. Boy are they heavy. The panniers, engine protectors and handlebars took the brunt. The young lady who reversed her works car into the bike gave the usual excuse of not seeing it. I wonder is a built in feature of the Himmys, scuff up 8 days in? to look more traveled :)


Well travelled
NY State
If I've envisioned it correctly, you picked your bike "up" the hill? In other words, tires on the uphill side and seat on the downhill side? If so, when I crashed my Himalayan, it was in that position. I had to grab the spokes of the wheels and gradually rotate the bike to get the wheels on the downhill side, making it easier to pick up.


Well travelled
If I've envisioned it correctly, you picked your bike "up" the hill? In other words, tires on the uphill side and seat on the downhill side? If so, when I crashed my Himalayan, it was in that position. I had to grab the spokes of the wheels and gradually rotate the bike to get the wheels on the downhill side, making it easier to pick up.
You've envisioned it as correctly as my explanation would allow! As I read back through, my angle of 45 degrees was not an accurate portrayal. It was more like 20 degrees from uphill, and therefore "doable". I too did a little slide from right to left with the rear wheel.


Well travelled
NY State
Alls well that ends well, and you've sort of 'christened' the bike now, and got that newness out of the way ;)
Agreed. It's kind of a relief when you get that first dump or scratch or whatever out of the way. Now you don't have to worry or obsess and you can just enjoy your bike. My 2018 Himalayan has been on the ground 4 times since March 2019.

I dumped my 2020 Goldwing in my driveway this week. First time and now I'm all set. :)
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