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2021 Engine Stalling and Hard Starts


Well travelled
Do you have a another RE dealer in your area you can take it to? If not I’d keep taking back to your dealer and check into your state lemon law.


Well travelled
Reading through all the posts, I both read it was fixed by installing iridium type plugs and that the issue continued and that it worsened after the first service visit. Whatever the cause is, it might be a good idea to let the dealer spend a little time with it and try to resolve it. It may be something simple that is being missed or disregarded in this remote troubleshooting.


Well travelled
If it still happens, check the sidestand killswitch at the clutch lever end, in case somehow it is thinking the sidestand is down and cutting out.
Hope you have it sorted out and can get on with riding and trusting the bike.
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