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Holger and his Wildebeest


Getting there...
Hello from the Chin Hills of Myanmar!


This is Holger, a German guy, who got to find his way to Asia into Myanmar. Here you see me with my lovely wife Jessie.


I bought my first motorcycle here from India, I needed something that fits to my 186 cm/6'1" size and the tough roads here in the Hills.
Right in time when the first RE Himalayans came out in India in 2016.


So I learned to ride it the tough way. But with ten years as a bicycles mechanic in my pocket, I am not afraid to tickle my brain and learn to keep up with the technique of my Wildebeest.
I will learn to do it all by myself as possible as the repair shops around here are .... mmmhhhh ... lets say not what I would expect :whistle::geek:

If you should come to this far off place, give me a shout and stop for a cup of coffee and lets go for a ride together!

Shalom Holger


Well travelled
Gutentag Holger, wilkommen from Holland!
See you made at least three good choices: a pretty wife, a goodlooking bike and beautiful weather. Happy riding!


Getting there...
Gutentag Holger, wilkommen from Holland!
See you made at least three good choices: a pretty wife, a goodlooking bike and beautiful weather. Happy riding!
Bedankt, Robert ... ich musste erst weit reisen, um an diesen Punkt zu kommen. Grüße nach Holland aus Myanmar!
Vielleicht fährt Noraly demnächst bei dir vorbei :)
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