• NEW USERS: If you haven't received your Confirmation Email: There has been an ongoing issue with the forum's send mail function and many new users haven't received the email to confirm their registration. I've done my best to manually process these, so there's a good chance if you've signed up in the past 30 days that you've already been validated and can proceed with posting on the forum (don't forget to introduce yourself!). If you still can't get in, please use the Contact Us link on the bottom of any page to send me a message and I'll process you manually. Thanks for your patience! ~Jerk

Come ride to Lands End, NZ with me.


Well travelled
Well the weather man said there was rain in the air and the chance of getting wet, but Basly just would not have it to stay in the garage. Especially since I was away for work most of the week and it was confined to the garage. So I relented and let him loose on Banks Peninsula. Yes we got a bit damp, but all in all it was an excellent outing. Took the road from Little River around the southern bays to Lands End Wainui. A great day...
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